Rachel Kunde

Rachel Kunde

Rachel is an Endorsed Midwife and Diabetes Educator based in Brisbane consulting at various locations. She has a strong passion for empowering women to make the most out of their pregnancies for both themselves, and their babies.

Yoga for Two

Stretching Out – Yoga for Two Pregnancy is one of the biggest transformations your body will ever go through, and it is well documented that safe exercise in pregnancy can lead to better outcomes for you, your birth and your…


Eggs – Nutritional Powerhouse Pregnancy is a beautiful journey filled with excitement and anticipation, but for women with diabetes, the road can be a bit more challenging. Proper nutrition becomes paramount during this time, and one food that stands out…

Guilt Free Christmas Treats

Guilt Free Christmas Treats Having diabetes while pregnant over Christmas is a psychological burden few know about. Being presented with endless sweet and savoury treats can leave you feeling overwhelmed about the effect they can have on your glucose levels…

Christmas with Diabetes

Embracing Balance for Christmas The holidays season is synonymous with joy, togetherness, and indulgence. However, for mothers living with diabetes, the festive cheer may come with some challenges. Balancing blood glucose levels amidst the tempting array of Christmas treats can…

Antenatal Expressing for Diabetes in Pregnancy

Antental Expressing Expectant mothers with diabetes face unique challenges, and one crucial aspect of their prenatal care can be overlooked: antenatal expressing of colostrum. This practice holds significant importance in ensure the well-being of both mother and the newborn, especially…

Diagnostic Options for Detecting Gestational Diabetes

Well Conceived - Testing for GDM
Universal screening for GDM is recommended for all women in Australia. Among first time mothers, or women being first diagnosed with GDM, their options for testing are often not discussed. The diagnostic process plays a crucial role in identifying this condition early on, allowing for timely intervention and support. To determine if you have GDM you have three options for testing which include: the 2hr Oral Glucose Tolerance Test, a fasting glucose level test, or self-glucose monitoring.

Micronutrients for pregnancy

Micronutrients, which include vitamins and minerals play a crucial role in supporting a healthy pregnancy for both you and your baby. Popular over the counter supplements will always make you feel like you are doing the best for your baby, however many of the vitamins currently on the market don't meet recommended daily intake requirements. So which micronutrients are important and where can we incorporate them into our diet? The following micronutrients are pivotal for adequate fetal development, preventing birth defects, lead to overall increased maternal health and stabilises energy metabolism.